Friday, April 17, 2009

The curse of bad training courses

So, I've been on a training course this week. It's a little further away than my normal trip to work, which means I've been on the train instead of driving. Which is good. Sadly it's not far enough away to warrant a hotel stay (but I'm a sucker for free hotels!).

Overall it's been a bit of a shambles though: the instructor keeps arriving late (by over an hour on the first day), remote connectivity to the test machines keeps dropping out, the material isn't quite what I hoped it would be and the training delivery has been bland to say the least.

But the real problem is with the course content. Too many different concepts are presented in a short space of time, the examples alternate between being irrelevant or too simple to provide any benefit, and there is no 'real-world' context to help you understand how this stuff would actually be used.

Over the years I've found that IT training courses all suffer to varying degrees from these same issues. This week's just seems to be a really prime example.

Maybe I should write my own training courses?

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