Monday, November 17, 2008

FM2009 - first impressions

So, I've been playing with FM2009 over the weekend - not in too much depth as I haven't had the time, but I've gone through sorting out my squad and playing all of my pre-season games.

And my first impressions:

The 3D match engine could have been a gimic, but it seems to work very well and does give a better feel for how your players are dealing with certain situations than watching them in 2D.
The widescreen support is welcome, and looks gorgeous at high resolution....but I still find myself switching back to running in a window, having that much screen available just isn't necessary!
The new format press conferences are interesting the first couple of times, but I'm guessing they could get a little tiresome after a while.

I haven't been able to delve into the tactics properly yet, and that was the area that had most problems in FM2008. So I'll reserve overall judgement until I've set that up properly and played a few league games.

Other than that, I'll eventually need to switch off the 3D engine as my laptop really struggles to display it; but I'm pretty impressed so far.

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