Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FM2009 - second impressions

What I like to call my 'testing phase' is nearly done. What this usually means is that I've started a game, brought in loads of players that were ultimately rubbish, lost a few games and decided I'd rather start from scratch and 'do it right'. :-)

I'm still pretty happy with how the game is playing, just a few minor niggles:
- 2D match engine seems slow and doesn't always re-draw properly.
- Press conferences do get tiresome. While it obviously attempts to mirror real-life, it doesn't really add anything to the game having to answer multiple questions before and after every match. Would be nice to be able to switch this off.
- I can't decide whether the Assistant Manager feedback is useful or irritating. Probably a little of both. Telling me that my goalkeeper is mis-placing too many passes every game when I deliberately want him to kick it long is not overly helpful.
- I can't find the option to stop masking player attributes. This has always been configurable in the past, but it doesn't seem to be in this version. I don't think the way the game masks attributes is particularly realistic and I've never used it - it's a shame this version appears to be fixed in this regard.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment. I'll be starting a new game tonight, so I may post more things as I come across them.

EDIT: Looks like they've moved the attribute masking to only be configurable when you create a new game, I'm sure it was under Preferences before. Maybe I've got that wrong.

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