Saturday, November 15, 2008

FM2009 - shortlist file

I've created a shortlist file, which includes all of the players listed in my previous post, as well as all of the under 21 players rated -9 (150-180 on the scale).

To use the file follow these easy instructions:
  1. Download the file and save it locally in your shortlist folder (should be here: \My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\shortlists).
  2. Start FM2009
  3. Manager -> Search -> Shortlist
  4. Using the Shortlists button in the bottom right hand corner, select "Import Shortlist...".
  5. Highlight "young_players" and click Select.
The shortlist contains 293 players in total, but you may want to manually add "Mark Beevers, Sheffield Wednesday" to complete it - as I'm managing that team I couldn't add him.

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